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Third Unitarian Newsletter Column, October 2015

The leaves are letting go of the trees right now, fluttering down to the earth in spasms of color and smell. Letting go can be beautiful, an inspiration for art and dance. It can also be filled with loss, and leave us with empty branches in the cold wind. Letting go means allowing, releasing, permitting. It makes space. That space can feel like emptiness, but space is required for anything new to come in.


We can let go of many things: material possessions; privileges; attachments; roles; identities; feelings; expectations; control; patterns of though and behavior. Is there anything your life you are holding on to right now with a clenched fist? What would happen if you loosened your grip a bit?  Are there old survival strategies in your life that no longer serve you? What sort of space would open up if you let them go? Do you cleave to control? What if you just let things happen? What is cluttering your life, literally or metaphorically? How can you let go this month?

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